Dental Implant Wearers Should Watch Out for These Four Signs of Peri-Implantitis
Some people assume that dental implants, once properly fused to the underlying bone, won’t present any ongoing issues. After all, they can’t decay like normal teeth. That might be true, but they’re still a part of your mouth, and several conditions can arise around them. One of the most serious conditions is peri-implantitis. You may already know that periodontal diseases affect the gums, ligaments, and bone surrounding your teeth. Peri-implantitis is similar, only it involves inflammation in the gum and bone surrounding your implant.…
Read More »How to Maintain Dentures in Tip top Condition
Dentures are popular today because they are a convenient, natural-looking option for natural teeth. However, they need regular cleaning and maintenance for better oral health. Below are things you can do to preserve dentures. 1. Cleaning To clean dentures, remove them and then brush, soak, and brush again before wearing. The first brushing gets rid of particles. Soaking the dentures in effervescent denture cleaner removes bacteria that causes bad odour. After soaking, remove the dentures and brush using a toothbrush and denture toothpaste.…
Read More »Oral Health: Understanding and Handling Common Dental Emergencies
Good dental health practices such as regular brushing, flossing and medical check-ups are crucial for oral wellness. However, even with diligence and care, dental emergencies can occur. These sudden problems can be attributed to underlying conditions, injury and other accidents. When this type of situation arises, you should handle the crisis with efficiency to prevent escalation. Here is a short discussion to help you understand common emergencies and suitable responses.…
Read More »Dental Check Up: Are Your Kids Ready to Go on Their Own?
Dental checkups are very important for a sound foundation of your child’s dental health. Overall, they are able to chew better, have a brilliant smile and maintain a higher self-esteem in their teenage years. Visiting a friendly and a personable dentist is one of many steps to creating a functional relationship between the dentist and your kids. Dentist recommends that you take your little one for their first dental exam after their first birthday.…
Read More »The Domino Effect of Missing Teeth: 6 Drastic Changes That Arise From Not Replacing Missing Teeth
When a child loses a tooth, not only do they get paid for that tooth, compliments of the tooth fairy, but they also get a free replacement. Teens and adults, on the other hand, only get one chance to take care of their teeth. There are no backup teeth waiting in reserve nor is there a tooth fairy ready to swoop in and leave you a dollar or two whilst you sleep.…
Read More »Benefits of A Dentist Fitted Mouthguard for your Young Athlete
As a parent, you’ve probably spent your entire weekend attending your kid’s soccer tournaments and country cross meets, not to mention the evening field hockey practice you have to pick them up from every week day. While sports and outdoor activities are highly beneficial for your children, injuries that occur during such activities can be devastating. It’s important to protect your young athletes from the ever-present risk of contact to their teeth, jaw and face while playing.…
Read More »Burning Mouth Syndrome: When Your Burning Mouth Is Not Caused by Spicy Foods
Are you fond of foods with an abundance of chillies and other forms of spicy deliciousness? The downside to these foods is that you need to put up with a burning sensation in your mouth. This will quickly subside, and hopefully the food was worth having to put up with this brief and mild discomfort. There are some instances when you might feel like your mouth is burning on an ongoing basis, regardless of what you’ve eaten.…
Read More »Does an Apple a Day Keep the Dentist Away?
Many people are confused about the role of fruit in dental health. Some natural health experts claim that the vitamins found in fruit are essential for every aspect of health, but other people worry about the effect of fruit sugars on tooth decay. If you’re not sure whether to tuck into that juicy apple, these key facts may help to address some of your concerns. 1. Whole Fruit Won’t Harm Your Teeth…
Read More »5 Reasons to Fit a Zirconia Dental Implant Instead of a Titanium One
Whether you’re having a single missing tooth replaced with a dental implant or are having a couple of implants fitted in order to anchor implant dentures, you’ll often be able to choose what material you’d like your implant to be made from. This is an important decision, so you should really give thought to the benefits that zirconia provides over titanium. Here are just five. 1. Seamless Construction A dental implant can never be all titanium; that would make you look like a Bond villain!…
Read More »Dental Implants: Are You A Suitable Candidate?
When it comes to having dental implants in order to replace a lost or misshapen tooth, many people hesitate because they fear that the implant may fail. Dental implants actually have a very good success rate, although there are a number of factors that can influence their success or otherwise. So what can cause the failure of dental implants? Here’s an overview of the usual causes of dental implant failure to help you to determine whether you would be a good candidate for successful implant surgery.…
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