The three main types of Dental Cleanings

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Many people walk into their dentist's office for a regular cleaning, only to be advised that they need deep cleaning.  Even worse, they may end up paying more than they had planned to pay.  This situation can be quite confusing and even a bit stressful. Avoid getting caught up in this kind of situation by knowing the different types of dental cleanings and when you might need them. Read on for this information:


This type of dental cleaning is also known as regular or routine cleaning. This is the most common type of dental cleaning, and it's done to prevent dental issues such as bone loss and gum disease. Dentists recommend getting a routine cleaning done after every six months. Here are some facts about this type of dental cleaning:

Scaling & Root Planing (SRP)

SRP or deep cleaning, is a non-surgical dental cleaning procedure performed to treat and control gum disease. Plaque is often the cause of gum disease, which hardens to form calculus (also known as tartar), if proper care is not observed. Therefore, the purpose of deep cleaning is to remove tartar build up from the roots of your teeth, and in the area between your teeth and gums. Below are some signs that SRP type of teeth cleanings might be necessary:

Periodontal maintenance therapy

This particular type of dental cleaning is done after gum surgery or after completing a tooth scaling and root planing procedure. It is a follow up type of teeth cleaning meant to keep gum disease away. Dentists recommend that this type of teeth cleaning be carried out after every three or four months.

Knowing the different types of teeth cleanings and understanding when each type is necessary, can help you know what to expect when you visit your dentist. You will also be able to ask your dentist the right questions in regard to a particular teeth cleaning procedure that you may require. 
