Common Misconceptions About Root Canals

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Most people dread getting root canal therapy due to rumours and exaggerations they may have heard from their friends and family. Read on to get the real facts about other common misconceptions concerning root canals:

Root Canal Therapy Is Painful

Firstly, almost all conditions that require root canal therapy will be causing immense pain on their own. Conditions like Pulpitis, broken teeth and dying nerves all require root canals and cause pain. The therapy will, in fact, be a measure to alleviate this pain. Most patients will not feel any additional pain during the procedure and the therapy will take the pain from the condition away. The belief that root canals cause pain comes from long ago when the treatment methods were more primitive and did cause pain in the patient. Your fear will serve to heighten all your feelings, so you should walk in to the appointment calm and relaxed.

Root Canal Therapy Takes Several Sessions

While several factors can lengthen root canal therapy, it never lasts more than two sessions. If the extent of the infection is larger than originally suspected or the difficulty of the procedure increases, the dentist may take longer to get it done. If the procedure proves too difficult for a general dentist, they may refer you to an endodontist who specialises in root canal procedures.

Root Canals Can Cause Other Illnesses

There was a popular myth in the early part of the 20th century that root canals can cause illnesses like kidney disease, heart disease or even arthritis. The thinking was that this was due to the bacteria trapped within the tooth being released after root canals. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that this is true and no research has been able to prove that root canals can cause illnesses. Bacteria are found all around the mouth and the body and are important to maintain a healthy ecosystem in the body.

Benefits Of Root Canal Therapy Are Temporary

This myth was born after some patients had their tooth break a few months after root canal therapy.  This can happen because the nerve is removed from the interior of the tooth and there is no blood supply to the tooth. This results in the tooth becoming brittle and the stresses from chewing and talking may cause the tooth to break. This is a result of a failed restoration of the tooth after the root canal and not the root canal itself.

A root canal is often the only option for those in extreme pain. If done by an experienced dentist, there should be no problems with the procedure.
